08 Apr 2017   |    Views : 2011    Professional Services;   |    Pune;

The Ohel David Synagogue in Pune was built in 1863 – 67 by the Late David Sassoon who was also responsible to build the Sassoon Hospital in Pune and many other such philanthropic works. This Synagogue is declared as the Monument of Pune which is also better known as the ‘Lal Davel’ (Red Synagogue), as it is built in red bricks.

This Synagogue caters to the Jewish Community of Pune and during the summer months and rainy season in Bombay, it used to have large number of Jews coming from Bombay during the season and living in Pune who spent most of their summer months in Pune because of better climatic conditions prevailing in the city of Pune compare to Bombay now called Mumbai. The Mausoleum of the Late David Sassoon is housed in the precincts of the Synagogue were the Late David Sassoon Lived. There is a “Mikvah” in the Synagogue compound which is not in operation at the moment.

Prayers are conducted on Saturdays and a “Hazzan” from Bombay goes to conduct services for Shabbath prayers.

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