08 Apr 2017   |    Views : 2063    Professional Services;   |    Mumbai;

Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue was built in 1884 by Jacob Elias Sassoon in memory of his father Eliyahoo Sassoon. It is situated in Colaba, the absolute centre of the Town close to the well known hotels of the Taj Mahal and Oberoi Sheraton now Hilton Towers and many other hotels which are situated nearby.

In the earlier years there was a huge Bagdadi Jewish Community living in the area. Most of the affluent Community members lived in the areas close to the Synagogue. The Jewish Club and the David Sassoon Library were close to the Synagogue and in the High Holidays especially “Rosh Hashanah” and “Yom Kippur” the entire Synagogue was full up, with extra chairs being placed between benches all around the Synagogue in the men’s gallery.

The ladies, of course were seated on the upper floor which was also completely packed. Now this Synagogue caters to the local Jewish Community and especially to the foreigners who come from all parts of the world. There is regular “Minyan” on ‘Erev Shabbath’ and Shabbath. After the morning service ‘Kiddush’ with a “Shulhan” (Seudah) is served to all members attending the services.

For over a hundred years people from Asia would come and make use of the ‘Mikvah’ of the Keneseth Eliyahu Synagogue.

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