17 Sep 2017   |    Views : 1425    ; ; ; ;   |    ;

High Performance Marketing

A lousy product with a thoughtful marketing has a higher success probability compared to a Great product with lousy marketing.

For innovative indian startups to succeed they have to start marketing first to grow. Every entrepreneur executes marketing campaigns. There are only a few who think through why and how that needs to be accomplished.

Odds of Failure is stacked in favor of those who ignore system approach to marketing. Stagnation and lack of growth can be easily attributed to a failure in synergistic execution.

Strategic Product Marketing 101 discusses strategic concepts of Vision, Narrative, Positioning, Spotlight, Synergy, and Consistency in a short duration.

Each business is unique in its product, model, market, channel and value it delivers. Hence, it is incumbent upon entrepreneurial leaders especially COO's, CMO's, CTO's and CEO's to bestow marketing the respect it deserves. Come, Let's dance all the way to.

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