08 Apr 2017   |    Views : 1957    Hot Spots;   |    New Delhi; All Cities;

CAPITAL HASH HASHING - notes from Hare Raiser

For all intended Hares:
It is bad enough that in Delhi we have to Wilt in the heat, Perspire in the humidity, Wheeze in the pollution, and Choke in the dust.
Let us counteract this adversity then by ensuring that we lay good Hash Runs commensurate with the time of year and the area.

It is often stated that there are no rules in the Hash but there is a generally agreed definition of what the objectives of a Hash run are. These are essentially unchanged since the conception of the Hash in 1938 and we should not lose sight of these proud origins and Hash principles.

A ?good? Hash run can be described as one that for those hashers prepared to run, even slowly, should all get back to the beer within a few minutes of each other irrespective of their athletic ability.
It should be an hour or so long, have between 5-7 checks, lots of chad and be laid with loads of common sense. The main objective is to slow down the selfish front running bastards (FRB?s) who are 500 metres ahead at every check and call on straight away for their own athletic benefit.
Resist screwing around doing silly diversions and deviations or breaks in the trail between the checks, this may slow down the FRB?s for a few seconds but the main pack bringing up the rear will be held up even more. The trail should be clearly laid and easy to follow, delaying tactics is for the Checks only. Laying a combination of Loops, Back Checks and False Trails will normally do the trick of slowing down the front runners.

It is not a pre-requisite that the Hares run with the pack and nor should they need to if the trail is laid properly
Any intended Hare should have a Co-Hare and preferably one with some experience, Virgin Hares will not be allowed without some guidance. It is the responsibility of any Hare to make the run happen, they must have a Co-Hare to stand in for them should something go wrong.

Unfortunately even the best laid runs can be ruined by the ?Hounds?, the 3 biggest sins are:
1. Running blindly off chad, 2. Calling ON too early from a Check, & 3. APPALLING CALLING

ON ON is the hash call and should be used with uninhibited abandon whenever on chad

ON ON is most called when finding the first mark after a check

ON ON keeps the pack together

ON ON is inspirational and encourages the weary

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