06 Feb 2019   |    Views : 834    ; ; ; ; ; ;   |    ;

Angamardana - Acquiring mastery over the limbs

Literally means gaining complete mastery over the limbs and entire body. This practice invigorates the body to reach peak physical and mental health. The practice involves floor exercises that can be done anywhere. It is a form of yoga to improve your muscles, organs, joints & energy system.

Join us for 3 days workshop to learn Angamardana from teachers trained by Sadhguru.

A fitness system rooted in yoga, that offers a complete workout. Thirty-One dynamic processes to invigorate the body and revitalize all the bodily systems, including muscular, skeletal, nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems. In the yogic system, Angmardana has used to culture the body and prepare it for the deeper practices of Hatha Yoga

Benefits of the Workshop:

• Offers ultimate fitness! Strength, cardio, flexibility & much more!
• Creates a body of freedom - a sense of lightness
• Improves the ability to concentrate and stay focused
• Increases energy levels
• Greatly enhances mind-body coordination
• Aids in weight loss and body-toning
• Aids sleep patterns & ease anxiety

About the facilitators:

Dhruv & Tanmay trained by Isha Hatha School of Yoga, under the guidance of Sadhguru, the founder of Isha Foundation and has dedicated their lives to taking this yogic science around the world. Whether you have just 5 minutes to spare or 5 hours, whether you are 7 or 70 years, they have something that suits everyone.

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