08 Aug 2018   |    Views : 452    ; ;   |    ;


Program Schedule

1. Registration, Settling Down and Introduction of Participants (15 minutes)

           By Mr. Deepak Kumar Singh

              Vice President - Defined Values Business Network, TV Anchor, Director - SpeakFirst (Spoken English Institute) and Activity Expert 

2. Who we are and our vision of Project YugParivartan? (45 minutes)

         By Mr. Hitesh Chandel
            Managing Director & Chief Mentor – Defined Values Consultants,

          Author – Award winning book Code of Citizen’s Conduct; and Self-Actualized Leadership Development Program

3. Introduction to Self-Actualized Leadership Development Program (SALDP) (45 minutes)

         By Mr. Hitesh Chandel

4. What is in it for you? (30 minutes)

         By Mr. Hitesh Chandel

5. Q & A with Mr. Hitesh Chandel (15 minutes)

Learning Objectives:

  • To make people aware of their Self Actualized Leadership Potential and the impact of taking decisions from Self-Actualized state of self-awareness on self and others.
  • To explain the blueprint of highly effective organizations and how to build such systems.
  • To explain the clear demarcation between Emotional Intelligence Vs Rational Intelligence Vs Spiritual Intelligence.

Target Audience:

  • True Leadership seekers
  • Rational Spiritual Wisdom Seekers
  • CEOs, Directors and Heads of companies
  • HR, L&D and BD Professionals
  • Freelance Professionals seeking to leverage a well-directed professional networking platform
How to register?

Fill the Form on www.definedvalues.org. You will receive a confirmation through SMS, Phone Call and an Email from our Customer Relations Officer, subject to availability of seat. 

Registration Fee: Free

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