28 Jul 2018   |    Views : 784    ; ; ;   |    ;

 For all Parents who wish to seek admissions of their wards in reputed schools of Gurgaon. GSE, the school admission expo, is a networking cum social forum to relax the anxieties and hassles of admissions. This initiative by Eldrok is to create a positive difference towards current mundane and tedious task of admission process by bringing an interactive forum wherein reputed schools and all admission seeking parents of kids meet at common platform. Here parents can 

1) Register themselves for on-the-spot Admissions of their wards
2) Can get counseling and guidance for on various boards and Curriculum
3) Can get to know in detail about facilities, Infrastructure, pedagogy adopted, evaluation and assessment techniques, co-curricular activities etc. available in different schools so as to compare comprehensively for their kids and choose objectively, a good school for their ward.
4) Meet the faculty, management team and may fix the meeting for a detailed.

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