07 May 2018   |    Views : 561    ; ; ; ; ;   |    Bangalore;

A practical sneak-peak into the elements of formal Hindustani Classical training for beginner-level singers.

For Whom:

  • Is Hindustani classical vocal training right for me? What does it involve?
  • What IS a raaga? How does one identify the raaga of a song/piece?
  • Would an understanding of the structure and technicalities of a Hindustani classical vocal performance help me appreciate it more?
  • What are gharanas?

If you have found yourself asking any of these questions, then this workshop has answers for you.

What: We will cover the above questions and more. We will start with the basic logic of the raga system, and go on to the various technicalities of Hindustani classical vocal performances. The workshop will be a balance of basic theory, demonstrations by the facilitator, and practice by the participants.

By Whom: Ranitendranath Tagore, aka Ranit, is a vocal artist proficient in various genres ranging from Hindustani Classical to popular cinematic music. His interest goes beyond the boundaries of language - he has performed in Bengali, Hindi, English, Marathi, and Tamil. In his earlier years, he has trained intensively under the tutelage of Sri Rama pada Nandi who was a disciple of many illustrious teachers including Sri Krishna Chandra Dey, who was himself mentor to artists like S D Burman and Manna Dey.

Ranit has performed solo on television and continues to perform formally and informally at invited events. He conducts music classes and workshops for singing enthusiasts looking to improve, explore different genres or just have a good time singing.

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