03 May 2018   |    Views : 1356    ; ; ;   |    ;

 It is said that "Energy flows where attention goes". This means you can manifest the desired outcome by focusing your attention (energies) on it. 

To attain a state the happiness and peacefulness, practicing mandala can help you focus your energy and hence manifest the state.

Mandala is a sacred art form that existed since the beginning of the time. The term comes from the ancient Sanskrit language which means circle. This simple geometric shape with no beginning or end has the power to promote relaxation, balance the body's energy, enhance your creativity and support healing. And, the best part is you can achieve this state while having fun. Amongst many benefits of the mandala, few are:

- Your brain experiences relief by entering into a meditative state
- Stress and anxiety levels reduce considerably
- Negative thoughts are expelled as you take in positivity
- Focussing on the present help you achieve mindfulness
- Unplugging from technology promotes creation over consumption
- Can be practiced by anyone from 4 to 94 years of age, even without having a single creative bone
- It's a hobby that can be taken with you wherever you go.
- It is also about acknowledging and declaring your own unlimited potential.

Be ready to tap into your healing pathway with Healing Mandalas.

Venue: Gurgaon

Date: May 6, 2018

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