09 Sep 2021   |    Views : 1441   |   Price :    Other;   |    All Cities;

We meet regularly to share information and build a network of friends that can help you adjust to living and working in this amazing and, at times, frustrating place. We can put you in touch with people who share your interests from art to yoga and almost everything in between. We can also help answer your questions and recommend places to shop, spas, doctors and anything else you can think of.

We at Delhi Network would love to help in making your experience of moving to Delhi, a pleasant one.

If you're moving to Delhi and want to know more, please send us an email. If you're already in town come to one of our coffee mornings:

Weekly Coffee Mornings Every Tuesday, From 9 am To Noon

At the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Bhikaji Cama Place

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Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Delhi 100001

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