02 Feb 2019   |    Views : 1035    ; ; ;   |    ;

About Rec (2007):
A television reporter and cameraman follow emergency workers into a dark apartment building and are quickly locked inside with something terrifying.

About Radium Cinema:
The event of the midnight movie exhibition constituted historically a reversal. It was instituted originally as a mode of dispersal for the chaff. A series of titles that represented a sensibility not permissible in civilized, educated Middle America needed outlets where they could play, so to say, without supervision. As such, and as in the case with various decisions taken in contemporary America, a special concession was made: moral scarcity could be accommodated, but only through an allotment, a categorization. The films could play but in the darkness of the deep night.

Already present in this modus operandi is a strain of politics - this is true, after all, of all mechanisms that employ a quota - in this case, a temporal one, a 'slot' for the notorious title. The atmosphere in 1960s America, however, distilled this strain into a more potent, pointed version: the midnight movie came to consciously symbolize a counter-cultural sentiment. The youth of the day would use their attendance at such an event to emphasize a difference: of taste, of moral attitudes and from the daily clock set in motion by the industrial society. The midnight movie exhibition was no longer a mere film screening - it constituted, in fact, the very reversal of a day, as one understood it.

With Radium Cinema, Lightcube & Bedlam will engage with this legacy. It will contemplate the paradox of the night in Delhi: invisible people, and visible city - and attempt, in its capacity, to achieve a reverse. The cult horror films that will be screened at this series of films will exist to harness the city's sinister, nocturnal energy into an incredible, invisible force, while also providing for an outlet for the wanderers, those lost in the nighttime to gather, to become visible again - and if possible, to reclaim the streets.

The concept of the midnight movie comes from the idea of making the nighttime accessible. The night is synonymous with danger, threat, and the various other horrors of the streets.

People, especially women, or other communities who are marginalized, are afraid to step out at night. This comes from a place of being scared of enraging the dominating sections of society. Radium, above all, is a means to gather, discuss and make the streets safer for all by ensuring movement.

With Radium Cinema, we aim to achieve a safe space for people by means of movie watching- an activity famous for its nocturnal nature. By making a community around cinema, the idea remains to engage people in dialogue around making the streets safer, for everyone.

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