30 Jan 2019   |    Views : 517    ; ; ; ; ; ; ;   |    ;

 About the Artist

Urvi Vora is a contemporary dancer and researcher based in New Delhi with a particular interest in modern rituals, performance of politics and performative affect. Following her training in Dance Anthropology, she has created works which have travelled in Europe and now India, notably SKUM Manifesto (2017) and This Is How You Move Them (2018). In her academic as well as performance work, she remains fascinated by what the body can do.
About the Performance

The Society Against Kamasutra and Uncouth Men (S.K.U.M.) tries to write a new feminist manifesto. SKUM Manifesto is a satirical, contemporary-dance-cum-stand-up-comedy-act, performed by the museum object, Woman In Saree and her copy of the Kamasutra as its starting point.
Credit List
Devised and Performed by Urvi Vora 
Music by Rivu 
Poster image by Lucien Clergue
Special thanks to Neel Chaudhuri and Akshay Burman.

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