29 Jan 2019   |    Views : 501    ; ; ; ;   |    ;

 Mahatma Gandhi was one of the twentieth century's most transformative political leaders. Gandhi shines not only for his advocacy of non-violence, but also for wanting to root out social evils like communal hatred, untouchability, and gender disparity. Gandhiji was a proponent of the charkha or the spinning wheel, an advocator of self-sufficient villages, and a man who stressed on the virtues of self-suffering. But the younger generation has often been detracted from his greatness. His essential goodness seems to be little known to an entire generation that has grown up on a monochromatic image of Bapu.

This book gives us a perfect opportunity to look beyond Gandhi, the icon, and make a genuine attempt to assimilate the thoughts of an individual who has inspired so many lives.

Please join us for the launch of Gandhi's Vision: Freedom and Beyond by the author late Aparna Basu, celebrating the iconic figure in the history of Indian independence in the gracious presence of:

-Sri KUMAR PRAKASH, Chairman, Gandhi Peace Foundation.

-Prof ASHIS NANDY, political psychologist, social theorist, and critic, and

-Dr A. ANNAMALAI, Director, National Gandhi Museum & Library.

The launch ceremony will be dedicated to the late author.

We look forward to having you all.

Date: Friday, 1 February 2019
Time: 6 pm
Venue: India International Centre

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