03 Sep 2018   |    Views : 440    ; ;   |    Bangalore;

Did you know?!

A Standford University study finds that:

Stress is a preparation of the body and mind for helpful and productive action. (and)
It is the belief that 'Stress is harmful' to us that causes more Stress related diseases, not Stress itself.

'Befriending Stress' by Wahe Nadhi aims to re-introduce Stress as a mind-body response to embrace and not avoid.

In this program, we would :
- Unlearn our perceptions about Stress being harmful to the body and brain.
- Learn to recognize our personal stress markers, so that we may regulate them
- Understand what might be the potential obstacles in making changes to our Stress mindset
- Find strategies to use Stress as a signal for 'productive and resilient action'
- Learn some practices of mindfulness, meditation to assist in our Stress work

"When you embrace stress, you can transform fear into courage, isolation into connection, and suffering into meaning"- Kelly McGonigal, PhD, author, health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University

Wahe Nadhis Mission: To facilitate reconnection with Inner Resources so that we can overcome inner resistance to grow. Building growth one insight at a time.

Archana Shyam and Seema Naik are co-founders of Wahe Nadhi. They are Mental Health Counselors by qualification and practice. They co-create and facilitate all programs conducted by Wahe Nadhi, which are a huge source of joy to them.

Archana is a passionate practitioner of Mindfulness and Meditation and uses these aspects in her programs and therapy. Seema ardently follows the tenets of positive psychology and is a Certified Psychodrama Practitioner.

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