08 Apr 2017   |    Views : 3108    Rentals, PG & Room-mates;   |    New Delhi;


I am a female textile designer looking to sublet a room to a female flatmate urgently.

The flat is conveniently located in a quite, clean neighborhood of South Delhi-S block-GK 1 and is also walking distance from the M block market, a park and just a 10 minute rickshaw ride from the Delhi metro!

About the Flat:
The flat has 3 furnished bedrooms with attached western style bathrooms, a common kitchen, living room, dining space and balcony. Other amenities include Wi-fi and a maid who cleans the house and washes the clothes.

In addition to the above there is no interference from the landlord as there is an independent entrance to the flat.

Your share of rent will be 16,500rs (which includes rent,maid to clean room and wash clothes, wi-fi). electricity bill will be shared.

You can call me on 9810542086 or email on jassandhu_1@hotmail.com to coordinate further.

Take care,


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