08 Apr 2017   |    Views : 856    Professional Services;   |    Chandigarh;

Chandigarh Police has been playing a key role in keeping the city Beautiful-Chandigarh a role model city as was dreamt by its planner Le-Corbusier. Though he planned the city for only 5,00,000 people, but today its population has crossed those limits but the police force remains lesser in number. In order to keep pace with the growing needs of the city. Chandigarh Police has taken many steps, which have been taken in other foreign countries.

The police functions are known to have taken birth with the advent of Civilization. Hence the history of crime dates back to the birth of mankind. In the initial stages crimes were of simple nature and were mostly committed by individuals which gradually took the shape of collective criminal acts. The police functionaries had to mainly depend on personal knowledge, direct evidence and visible indicators to solve the criminal mysteries. However the growing complexity of civilization, availability of faster means of transportation, advancement in technology and easy access to global telecommunications and gadgetry has given a new dimension to crime.

This has posed new challenges to the police force to cope up with the changing scenario. This requires regular updating of the police force with the newer technologies. Computer and Communications have revolutionized the handling of information in an organized and sophisticated manner. This technology is expanding globally at enormous speed and offers tremendous opportunities and means for aiding the police force in crime prevention, crime detection and crime tracing/solving.

Email: police-chd@nic.in

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