27 Nov 2018   |    Views : 685    ; ; ; ;   |    ;

Aambra Foundation presents Aambrotsave, which is an Indian cultural festival. And a celebration of Indian, art, craft, culture, cuisine and literature. Through the festival we not only celebrate and spread our legacy through theatre, cinema, dance and music but also aspire to promote Indian literature - prose, poetry, works of fiction, reading, writing and journalism.

Aaambrotsave Raas 2 will be held on 1st December 2018 in Central Park, Connaught Place, New Delhi in association with NDMC. The Event will feature many prominent nationally and internationally renowned artists.

  • Roohani Sisters popular for sufi recital
  • Neelima Beri internationally acclaimed senior Kathak Dancer
  • Himani Sharma and her troupe will render Soul Rhythm on Chhau
  • Rupa Amitabh will perform Dhrupad Gayan

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