09 Jun 2018   |    Views : 355     |      |    Bangalore

Welcome! Fellow Traveller 

If you are looking to connect with kindred spirits who share your passion for adventure or even just connecting with a group & exchanging stories, then this mixer is perfect for you to hop on the travel bandwagon.

Doesn't matter if you caught the travel bug early on or recently.
Doesn't matter if you traveled domestic or international.
Doesn't matter if you took a dozen trips or only a few.
What matters is that you feel like you were born to scale the world
All its highs & the lows
All the beauty it has to offer
And sometimes even the harshness.

What: A Relaxed Evening for Travel Enthusiasts 
When: 9th of June, 6 - 8 p.m.
Where: Design Cafe, St. Marks' Road

P.S. - Refreshments will be served at the venue. 
This event requires RSVP for entry

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Sanjeev P.

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