04 Jun 2018   |    Views : 341     |      |    Bangalore

1: Lag Gayi – We often try to fit things into our lives, make adjustments here and there, compromise and sacrifice. The same goes with 2 drunks who try to adjust
with things that are of no use to them in the most hilarious possible way. 

2: Maut – Have you wished for something with all your heart but never got. Have you always believed in something and you were sure that you would achieve it
and it never worked out the way you intended. Well the same happens here with ‘A Man’ who wants everything but the outcome is different in a funny turn of

Cast and Crew:

Saurav Verma - A seasoned theatre actor has been entertaining people since an year through various acts and performances
Anuraag Puthige - A man who eats, breathes and sleeps theatre! One of the very famous and talented artists who has done several plays.

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