04 Jun 2018 | Views : 1470   |
Tournament rules & regulationsOpen Rating Round robin Chess Tournament (Anybody can participate: No restriction)
Bullet: 1 minute + 1 second increment per move per player per game
Blitz: 5 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move per player per game
Bullet Entry Fee: Rs.400 (Punctual discount fee Rs.300 if paid 7 days in advance)
Last day Inconvenience fee: Rs.500
1st Prize Open: Rs.1000
Blitz Entry Fee: Rs.800 (Rs.600 if paid 7 days in advance)
Last day fee: Rs.1000
1st Prize Open: Rs.2000
Play both tournaments together at Rs.1000 (Rs.800 if paid 7 days in advance)
Spectator Ticket: Rs.100
Fee Non refundable
Limited Entries
Medals/Trophies to winners in 6 age group categories
Free 15 min training session by players above FIDE rating 2000
Let's celebrate victory of players over All India Chess Federation (AICF) in supreme court with verdict that no sports association governs any sport as per Competition Act (monopoly act 2002) & everybody is free to organise or play any tournament anywhere in India without giving a damn to any association
Tournament ends within 2 hours
Elo Rating, Digital Photo Certificate & Medal/Trophy to all participants: We respect & reward ur time & efforts
Fast non stop 7+ rounds. On time start & end of tournament
2 on 1 free for females: All females can register & get 1 free entry for ur female friend
Play Chess, Learn to think
Master ur own game invented in India
Learn rational & logical thinking by playing chess
Let's finish the slave mentality & learn to live with self pride
Dedicated to S.L.Harsh, Kuldeep Sharma, karan Duggal, etc & their team for defeating All India Chess Federation (AICF) in the Competition Commission of India (CCI) which has ordered that AICF has no right to ban any chess player & ended monopoly of AICF in chess
Not a knockout event: All players can play all games even after losing
Fast rounds, immediate next game after ur previous round finishes. No waiting
Prizes may b cancelled & groups may b merged bcoz of less participants
Categories: Upto 2nd standard, 5th std , 8th 12th , Veteran , Open (Adults / Parents)
Agreed Draw prohibited
Participant must take a written oath that he wont support politics in chess or any sport & will never participate in any association tournament where organiser forcibly pays some extortion money to association like percentage of its revenue to avoid getting banned
Affiliated & recognised by World's most active organisation Barve's Chess Promoters Group www.barvechess.in - Creating Chess Awareness which has organised about 100 chess tournaments in last 10 years
CPM rules apply
Pls. bring ur own chess sets & download chess timer from playstore on ur mobile to avoid inconvenience in case of too many entries
For outstation players, AC Accomodation with TV at Rs.1500 per room (3 adults)/ Mumbai Darshan at Rs.1000
Printed certificate of A4 size with ur photo & elo rating with home delivery by courier: Rs.100 extra. Save paper, save trees
2 inch Medal home delivery: Rs..150
5 inch customised chess design Trophy with delivery: Rs.200
8 inch chess trophy:500
12 inch: 700
Bring 3 participants & get a free entry for urself
If u bring 10 friends, ur whole entry fee will b waived off & we will also pay u one persons entry fee as a reward for ur efforts & help
Pls. send participants face photo with white background
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