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CII 3rd Smart HR Summit: 'The Future of HR: Gazing through the Crystal Ball' || 6 December 2024, Hotel Holiday Inn, New Dehi

As you are aware that Human Resource, though a very complex resource, plays a pivotal role in every organization and it is imperative to have a workforce that is happy, secure, and satisfied to increase efficiency and loyalty. This often calls for the HR function in an organization to be more strategic, effective as well as adaptable as the workforce today is setting in motion fundamental changes like remote working, temp staffing, freelance roles, future-proofing strategies, etc.

In today's rapidly changing business scenario, every company is undergoing digital transformation. Cloud and mobile computing, artificial intelligence, and increasing automation have created the potential to transform nearly every aspect of a business. Therefore, the role of HR is crucial to adapt the process of change and implementation as per the organizational needs. HR Leaders and other business professionals need to embrace new solutions, smart methodologies, AI and a wide variety of organizational transformation.

With the aim to provide a strategic platform for HR professionals to collaborate and develop a sustainable road map for building future ready workforce and define the role of technology in strengthening manpower inclusion to build organizations of the future, CII is organizing the 3rd Edition of the CII Smart HR Summit from 1000 - 1600 Hrs on 06th December 2024 at New Delhi which will focus on the challenges and solutions in HR function.

Key Sessions

Inaugural Session - The Future of HR: Gazing through the Crystal Ball
Session on ‘Emerging Technologies for HR Function including AI and Data Driven Recruiting'
Gen Z Panel on ‘Talent of Tomorrow: Rethinking the Rules of Engagement'
Leadership Debate on ‘DNA Disruption for Quantum Growth: A Leader's Perspective'

The objective of the Summit is to bring together organizations to share their insights on topics such as overcoming disruption, fundamental & best practices in winning talent, retention & digitization, boosting recruitment, and learning concrete goals and action points for building future-ready organizations.

The Summit will witness participation of CHRO, Senior HR functionaries, HR Service Providers, L & D Professionals, Digital players in the HR Space, HR Consultants and Training Institutes among others.

With the above background, I am writing to you with following special requests:

1. To kindly block your diary and join us as in the summit.

2. May I also take this opportunity to request you to kindly consider supporting this initiative as an Esteemed Sponsor. Needless to mention that your kind support shall be acknowledged with brand promotional activities at par and the same is enclosed for your kind reference and perusal.

You are invited to join this mega event with concerned colleagues to be part of an eye-opening session.

Link to register: https://cam.mycii.in/OR/OnlineRegistrationLogin.html?EventId=E000067802

Your organization's support as a Sponsor/ Exhibitor (stall) of the Summit would add lot of impetus to the event. Host of benefits that could be accrued to your organization are detailed in the enclosures please.

We look forward to receiving your kind confirmation.


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