08 Apr 2017 | Views : 2469
Expat Links;
New Delhi;
A non-profit organization under the Companies Act of India, the Chamber aims at helping businessmen, on both sides, to enhance and diversify economic and commercial relations between the two countries.
This scenario sets the agenda for the Chamber. As a bilateral entity, India- Russia Chamber of Commerce has dedicated itself, first, to fill the information gap that exists between the both sides. A better understanding of the market conditions in India and Russia will also help the business community to make best use of the opportunities that exist between the two great countries. As in India, the Russian consumers too are a discriminating lot.
Address: A- 9/13A, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110057
Phone: + 91 11 26156345 / 40 / 6338
Email: info@ircc.in
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