08 Apr 2017 | Views : 2575
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Welcome to H4
In the Heart of India, in the traditional rural south, ancient rocks scatter the landscape.
Up, under, left and right of these rocks, HHHH mingles sweat with beer, decent conversation with indecent songs and relaxing strolls with gob-smacking runs.
Run with us:
Registration is Rs.50/-
Beer is Rs.100/- for 3
Children under 10 run for free
Registration and Beer free for Hares ( Yay!!)
Why where they born so beautiful
Why were they born so beautiful?
Why were they born at all?
They?re no bloody use to anyone
They?re no bloody use at all
Drink it down down down down (DIDDDD)
Contact us:
HASH HOT LINE; 8977788799
H4 Runs on Kingfisher
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